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Rachel Grace

To begin - Calculate the following

Day of birth + Month of Birth + 6

Example: If you were born on 4th July, the calculation would be,

4 + 7 + 6 = 17

Break down to single digit = 1 + 7 = 8

In this example look at the number 8 below for your monthly forecast.

Hey Magickal One!

October will be a month that will bring in a new beginning for your soul’s path but this new beginning will take a lot of reflection and personal understanding of the stages of your own life. As October the month of Libra is all about, WE, there is a focus on how what is within us can be brought to the world and to others in a positive sense for our own truth to live in peace and harmony without discounting our own needs. Last month, the energy of others was present with the sense to tie up loose ends and to move forward but when we have so many things occurring on the external there is a need for balance to be brought forward and this means that Octobers eye will be focused on shining the light on the internal you.

Questions that may arise for you will be one of if you are living your true path. What your soul requires and there will be a need for reflection and a disconnect from those that do not enhance your life. Life seems to be just getting busier and the little things that we should be grateful for become chore like.

Embrace and schedule in the time for you, your path and your connection. October will be a great time to book a weekend away, a retreat and to also work on your spiritual awareness and development.

Communication may be a little mixed in the process of expression so think before you speak and don’t take anything anyone else says too much to heart.

The assessment of where you are at in all levels of your life will be a focus and below will be what will be a spot light for you in regards to your own personal number.


Number ones, your soul will be expected to have an equal part in your life and you will be forced to make it happen. Know when you give to yourself then you have the ability to give more to others. It is a fantastic month for you to lock into your own intuition and situations will arise where you will know who is on your side and who is not. Those that are not in celebration of the changes that you are showing may need to be let go with a breath of love. Understanding is needed on your end and come from a place of what is needed for you. Be mindful of your emotions especially around the October full moon.


Number twos will have an inner yearning to get creative. To begin a new project that expresses positive energy. You will have the need to surround yourself with others that make you happy and laughter this month will be what will get you through. This connection is needed for your soul. Plans will be made to head out with your friends, have light conversations. Be aware of the conversations of others though and do not get caught up in any negative talk. This will dampen your path to move forward.


Number threes, your attention will be placed on the internal need for security. You will make plans and they will come into action. You will gain a further commitment on the work front and there will be extra hours that will need to take place. Be careful not to burn out but ride the wave. I must make note that it will be so important for you for this month to ground your energy and take some salt baths to have some you time. A lot of physical work will be required for you so take care of yourself a little more than you have been.


Number fours. There will be a massive push for you to reflect on the places and spaces that you wish to visit in your lifetime. You may even feel the urge to write a bucket list. The month of October, if you focus hard and reflect on where you wish to travel to it will happen. The need to get crafty and make a vision board of all these places will bring that energy into reality. You may be booking an overseas trip or even travel in your dreamtime. Take the time to allow your adventurous side to be free.


Number fives will experience new relationships for the month of October. There may also be significant changes on the home front. The need to bring everyone together is what your soul is craving and with this love is in the air for you. If you are single then put yourself out there a little more. Say yes to that date and enjoy yourself. If you are in a relationship there will be an opening for new friendships and also business partnerships. Be mindful that this is a requirement for your soul this month and be aware that others may not be at the same stage as you so do not become over-emotional if things don’t go your way. Shift it and move on. With all the interactions of this month it is needed for you to smudge your spaces a little more to control the energy.


Number sixes for the month of October may not want to interact at all but become a total homebody. A reserved side will be shown to others and journaling of your feelings will be needed to integrate. You may lock yourself in your room, house and begin the search for what is required for your soul, you will be on a search on what actually is needed to fill up your cup. Take this time to process all that arises for you and know that while this may be new territory for you it is needed for your path. Great ideas come from the pause.


Number sevens focus will be turned into the next big money-making idea. The need to sit without another’s influence will be key here for a successful outcome. This is the time for you to launch a business, network to get your idea out there but also make sure no one else has the intent to make it their own. Hold tight as there is luck on the way for you. Take the time before meetings and interactions with others on the work front to really get organized. This will also be a month for new investments and opportunities to shine.


Number eights, it is time to stop living externally and drop into exploring the deeper aspects of you. When this is done you will find surprises in the month of October. Gifts from others, the need to give back and a focus on sacred exchange will occur. You will be a support for others in your world and will have the ability to make a major change in another’s life. When we reflect on our own path and do the soul work know that others are watching on. You will be the positive influence for another around this time. With all the generosity that this month brings there may be a little jealously around you, be mindful to protect your energy field every day and shield up.


Number nine, for you the month of October will bring an inner determination that you have not felt in months. It will be an amazing time for you to feel inspired and motivated to move and get things done. You will have the courage to make changes in your life for the better and a move of house, job or even a new car may be brought to you. Let go of the expectations of others and don’t become too inward in your actions. Take the time to stand in the warmth of the sun this month to charge up to keep this energy going and moving forward.

with sparkles,

Rachel Grace xo

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