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Rachel Grace


To begin - Calculate the following

Day of birth + Month of Birth + 7

Example: If you were born on 4th July, the calculation would be,

4 + 7 + 7 = 18

Break down to single digit = 1 + 8 = 9

In this example look at the number 9 below for your monthly forecast.

If you have not had your birthday yet for the year look at the number before for your personal forecast.

Hey Magickal One!

My deepest apologies firstly for not putting up a January 2023 blog but if you missed it, I did do a 2023-year blog for you all on what to expect the entire year as we lock into the year 7 vibrational frequency. With that being said to be totally honest with you there are many people that overlook January as they are, in the southern hemisphere, still in holiday mode with our long summer break. With February now upon us and school going back for term one as well as the holiday period over many look at this month as really the new year cycle. This feels right for me especially after the Chinese Lunar New Year too!

The month of February overall will be one to really begin and this feeling will strike around the 20th of this month after a much needed settling in of the new energy that is upon us all. We will be offered to open our pockets and give to others in a financial way with some feeling left short of money but hearts open to the process and others there will be a strong need to do some soul searching and realize that they are over the 9-5 grind. We will begin the process of another major purge in all areas of our lives to be able to become more in flow with the overall energy that it has to offer us all this year. This will include but not limited to planning a move, a holiday, career change or even going back to basics in what is occurring in each of our lives.

This month will really offer a reset for us all, reflection on what is working and what isn’t and the ability to see things a little differently to fill our cups up!

What is your individual focus for February? Read your own personal number below.


Number ones, it is time to take off and really plan that getaway that has been on your mind. This won’t be any usual break either so be prepared. The plans that you will undertake for this adventure will hit deep in your heart center and know that what is decided by you will be one to take you back to a past life where you may have lived before. You will know as it will shift your entire being. Be open in communicating the need for this desired location with your travel buddy or partner, talk to others that may have travelled to this location and get creative in the process.


Number twos your focus for February is work, career and the organization that is needed for all to be flowing in complete order. This month will require a sharp focus for you with a long-term solution and it won’t be an easy time. You really need to put your head down and bum up, show discipline to be rewarded. What seems to be difficult will ensure benefits for you in the long run. You may feel agitated at work, not being seen or recognized for all you do which may make you feel not valued and emotional. It is important during this month for you to really keep focused, you can achieve anything that you set your mind to!


Number threes, February is your chance to push the limits and create necessary boundaries with others. This will be a welcome change for you and will keep you on your toes. You will be busy with your mind racing on what is needed to change for you to create your own internal happiness. It will be a month for you to do you, for you to say NO a little more and to also learn from what does not align with your soul's truth. It is important this month for you to look after your own energetic field, send any negative energy back with love and keep your field clear, clean and tight. You will have plenty of ideas on this needed change in your life so it is also important for you to get journaling so you do not forget all the wonderful plans that your soul is requiring of you.


Number fours. Have you felt a little lost in your own inner circle of late? Have you thought to yourself who really sees me? Well, the month of February for you will stir a feeling of belonging. Where do you really fit in? What do I wish for myself? These and many other questions will arise and also be answered if you take note and listen to your own truth. You have the need this month to really feel nurtured by another and loved and those that express this to you will in turn feel the love that you have to also offer them. This month is a great time for you to start new relationships, to plan more family time and be with those that always cheer you on. Embrace the love, you are love.


Number fives your month will be focused on processing. We live in a world that requires us to be alert at all times as there is an influx of information. Bright lights, signage boards, social media, images, videos, news, tv and the list goes on. Do not be surprised this month if you find it all a little overwhelming. This is a major sign for you to really switch off and check out. You may even find that social media becomes irritating to you all of a sudden and become frustrated in all you see. With information overload this month it is important for you to process only what is required and that serves you well and leave the rest. You may also need to go on a little sabbatical to just recharge your own soul. Read a book, meditate, take long baths and practice self-care techniques. It's time to unplug and look after you to integrate what is important in your life.


Number sixes are you ready to step into your power? Well February is your month to shine. You will be the one that is noticed as you walk into a room, your presence will be felt and words reflected on after conversations with you. You have the ability this month to really embrace and be rewarded for all you have achieved. This month is fantastic for business meetings, pay rises and also financial investments. With every achievement and opportunity that comes your way, always keep in the back of your mind that what you receive will be granted more when you give back to others too. Share your strength, be there for others and do so with integrity. Wearing the color yellow or green will also allow you to step into your power this month.


Number seven, have you been practicing your full moon releases? Well this month if you have never done one before or always have said to yourself you will do it next month, I am here to tell you that this month is your next month! No more procrastination. A major release is needed for you now. When we hold onto situations, behaviors and people that are not in alignment with our path this all stacks up and is carried with us on a day-to-day basis. You put it all in your backpack and carry it around. This month is the time to put it down, empty it and let it go! You will naturally feel the need to purge this month. You may feel the need to rearrange furniture in your home or even do another clean out of your closet. When there is a major release and we actually do the work in releasing it we make room for beautiful fresh energy that is required in our lives. Let it go and open yourself for what will come into your life.


Number eights, the fresh start and new beginning is here and I know that is what you have been waiting for, for over six months now. That’s right, if there was any time for a happy dance, now is the time for you to play that favorite song of yours and dance around the living room. The energy that has felt stagnant will be lifted this month and a natural progression forward will take place for you. You will be offered opportunities and ideas for growth from others so be sure to reflect and really be sure before you commit. You will feel a sense of freedom this month as this energy brings about change for you and will create more luck your way. If you are beginning a new business venture then this is the time to launch it. You have the energy of February to make all your dreams come true and to ignite the passion that burns inside.


Number nine, for you the month of February will be an opportunity for you to lock into deep connections. This is the perfect month for new romances, rekindling relationships and also beginning new friendships that will be proven to show you that the other person is part of your true soul tribe. These connections will hit your heart space and there will be a deep knowing that you are looking directly at a soul mate or even a twin flame in front of you. You will feel sensitive and emotional and perhaps second guess if this is real. The energy of this month is in favor for these real intense relationships to occur. You will feel a sense of peace in your being and know that this heartfelt connection will last. Number nines can be quite weary of these connections and do not like relationships to end in their lives so are reluctant for new ones to begin but this month put all of your fears aside, be open to receiving this offering from the universe and be sure to nurture this new relationship.

with sparkles,

Rachel Grace xo

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